Sunday 26 February 2017

Shakespeare, anyone?

If you're anything like me, the only way you can really access Shakespeare is if someone else has put a lot of effort into making it fit for human consumption - i.e. translated it onto modern-day language. As they did so well in this movie, re-telling the tale with a modern-day slant.
It didn't stay faithful to the original in every aspect, but it didn't need to, it stood on its own as one of the better teen movies of that era (1999). And Heath Ledger's bad-boy with a soft side is eminently watchable.

So, I'm just proof reading a scene where a bunch of 16-year-olds are translating Twelfth Night into modern day speech and it goes something like this:
Original: “’Tis thought among the prudent, he would quickly have the gift of a grave.”
Modern-day: “The smart money is predicting him an early grave.”

Original: “They that add moreover, he’s drunk nightly in your company.”
Modern-day: “The same ones that say you and he are pissing it up against the wall every night.”

So cool (if you're a 16yo boy for the last one).
If this sort of thing interests you, let me know, by sharing them below. I know that when the proof reading is finished a number of beta readers are required - if you are interested, you can sign up to help here.

1 comment:

  1. Slightly more on point, Rowanna:
    "The smart money is betting he'll see an early grave."

    LOVE your modern translations of the Barde! It's the only way I too can digest and derive massive entertainment from those classic writings;)
